Fixing R12.1.3

This is a part of the post of how to install R12.1.3 from a VM template.

This post describes various fixes to the R12.1.3 functional and technical content of the VM template.

BNE UIX Physical Directory is not configured

When trying to use WebADI you get the error:


In R12.1.3 and R12.2 the profile options “BNE UIX Physical Directory” should be left empty. For a VISION installation this is set for some strange reason.

Clear system profile option: BNE UIX Physical Directory

and bounce apps server as per below:

Stop apps: apps/apps

Start apps: apps/apps

FTP on apps VM server

This does only work on the APPS server and does not work on the DB server.

Login as root

On apps server run:

yum -y install vsftp*

Open the configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf and find the line that has:


remove the # to enable the line and then find the following line:


remove the # to enable the line and then save the file.

Now we need to restart the ftp server to activate the changes:

service vsftpd restart

The local system users should be able to log in and transfer file to the FTP server.

VM Template password nag

Each time you login as oracle or root you will be asked to change your password.

After answering NO then at the prompt do:

touch .passchanged

That will stop the nag…

This entry was written by Kent Willumsen , posted on Friday August 31 2012at 12:08 pm , filed under R12 Installation, Technical Knowledge and tagged . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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