Import VM Templates

This is a part of the post of how to install R12.1.3 from a VM template.

Before you can create a VM from a template in OVM 3.1.1 it must be imported into OVM using FTP.

Well in reality you import the templates into the Repository.

Importing VM

Select your repository:


Click on the import icon:


Import these two:



When job is started progress is hard to see but if you login to the OVS you can see it in:

/OVS/Respositories/{hex number 1}/Templates/{hex number 2}/tmp/*.tgz

In OVM the job shows progress while doing this as well.

Which is then unpacked in same directory to:



This means you need space for both the tgz file and the resulting unpacked files in the repository:

· DB: tgz = 31Gb and uncompressed files = 250Gb

· APPS: = 9 Gb and uncompressed files = 50Gb

When done the files are moved to:

/OVS/Respositories/{hex number 1}/Templates/{hex number 2}/vm.cfg


/OVS/Respositories/{hex number 1}/VirtualDisks/{hex number 3}/*.img

Also this process takes forever as the tgz and the uncompress files are on the same disk system causing I/O contention.

After import of DB you should have:


And i the overview:


And these Virtual Disks:


This entry was written by Kent Willumsen , posted on Friday August 31 2012at 11:08 am , filed under R12 Installation, Technical Knowledge, Virtual Manager and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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